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What We Do

It is very rewarding to come into work and teach someone a new job skill that may seem very 'ordinary' to most of us. I have had the opportunity to help someone who is in a wheelchair and has very limited use of their arms to use a mop, to push a broom, or to wash a dirty table. And there are a few etter feelings than the pride and joy we both share when they do a great job!
Employment Option Center
Vocational Training Assistant
At the Employment Option Center, each individual receives instruction from our professional staff members. Departments at the Center include:

Housekeeping: Directed by a professional staff member who works alongside our individuals, our training ensures that all equipment and materials are used properly, leading to work of the highest quality.

Clerical: Approximately 1/3 of our individuals work in this area, performing tasks such as shredding, collating, sorting, stapling, packaging, and bulk mailing assembly for various organizations.

Production: Especially talented individuals at the Center work in our “Entrusted Treasures” Production Company to produce many fine items, under the leadership of a member of our professional staff.

If your company or organization has identified needs with which our individuals could help, please contact us